Save Issues, Bug Fixes, and Small Changes

Hi there, 

I wanted to start this update off by saying thank you! The game's reception has been a dream come true. You've all been too kind, sometime in the face of extremely frustrating circumstances. 

That's actually the first thing I want to address... the most annoying thing that can happen when playing a long, involved game like this is to get a significant way through, then to refresh the browser window and lose all your progress and notes. I know that happened for a significant portion of you, and as someone who once (as a child) left his Playstation memory card in his pocket by mistake, I empathize with you more than you'll ever know. I was on disc 2 of Final Fantasy VII when it went through the wash and I never could find the the motivation to revisit it.

There have been two issues that cause people to lose their saves. The first one is a browser issue. Certain adblockers and browsers that clear or reject cookies will make it impossible for my game to save. This affects very few people, as far as I can tell, but is ongoing. It's not something I can fix. If you're one of them, then please come to the discord and I can try to help you out and give you a version of the game that's an executable as opposed to a browser version.

The second one was a one-time event caused by itchio moving all of their web games from one server to another on the back end. It's something that affected anyone who started the game before the 17th and then tried to pick up their game after that. Reopening the tab would restart the game over. This one won't happen again, unless they do a server move like that again (which I believe they have no reason to). Still, if you were affected by this and would like help catching up to where you were, the discord is your friend. I have been doing what I can to help people get back into things as fast as possible with whatever shortcuts I can offer.

With that out of the way, this post is also here to provide patch notes for an update I pushed live today. Below are the changes in the most recent build. I've left things as vague as possible as to not spoil things.

  • Switched out one of the pictures provided to you by your employer. This was an attempt after multiple comments to make two people look less like they are a similar age. This is the most visually obvious change in the game, but the text and location and hints are all the same. The only thing that changed is the art.
  • Fixed so, so, SO, many typos. Even the one on the title screen that I somehow overlooked. Thank you to everyone who pointed them out, sincerely. I'm sure they're not all gone, but there are at least 20 or so less than there were before.
  • Added a tiny push to encourage people to do a further search on one of the blood relative's wives. This should make it a little easier to place a certain spouse (though its still probably one of the least obvious ones.)
  • Incorporated a typo I could not easily fix into the lore of the game.
  • Made the shortened version of one character's name more consistent across all resources (at least all of the ones where I noticed there was an issue.)
  • In one online conversation I tried to make it known that the person you're pulling information from is not a very good speeler and that they grammar very poor. All kidding aside, in an attempt to make a puzzle slightly easier, I'm hoping its clearer that they're an unreliable provider of names, and you should be aware of that. 
  • One extraordinarily silly article was misspelled so it was not possible to find unless you fixed the typo when you did your search. Should be easier now. Honestly, you're not missing much except really bad puns.  It involves bread.
  • Fixed a timeline consistency between an article and a website. One said 1982 and the other said 1988 for an event that happened to a family member. They now both say 1982.
  • Fixed a timeline consistency on a photo's description vs. what was seen on the website where you find it.
  • At one point in one minor article I used the phrase "maiden name" when I meant to write "married name" and it made one puzzle especially confusing for the minority of players that did find that article before solving the puzzle. (Sorry!) 

There might be more... I forgot to keep a list as I was making changes, but the above are the most major things.

I'd also like to use this time to talk about the bugs I cannot fix yet:

  • Every once in a while the text gets all garbled and weird looking. This is not on purpose, its not meant to be creepy, and I wish I could fix it. But it seems like it has something to do with texture memory and I don't know how to address it. If there's something that someone knows is a definitive fix, please hit me up! For now, if you run into this, I'd find a way to refresh the text. if it happens in the browser, I'd just hit the back button and then the forward button again. If it happens in your notes, I'd just switch to a new page and then back. Sorry, and thank you!
  • It is not currently possible to copy from the game and paste into outside sources and vice versa. You can copy and paste fine within the game, but pasting to an external notepad for example is not yet possible.
    • This is coming in a future Unity update, but its in alpha now. I've been advised countless times by countless developers not to switch to a new version of Unity unless necessary, especially while it is still in alpha or beta. There are ways to get around it that I've found online, but I'm not confident that they'd work for me or how to incorporate them into my game. I will keep an eye out for when that fix happens in an official release and switch over then.

And with that, I'm calling it an update! Thanks again to everyone who played the game, and if you want to discuss it at all or ask me pretty much anything, then come on down to the discord from the main menu or the settings menu!


The Roottrees are Dead_FirstUpdate_1 159 MB
Nov 21, 2023

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